Monday, January 23, 2012


Last week Thurs and Fri I had orientation on campus at St. Kate's for my doctoral program. It was both overwhelming and exciting. We are the first OTD class at St. Kate's. This is again very exciting, but in some ways intimidating as well. Our cohort consists of 4 St. Kate's grads. All 4 of us work in the school system and 3/4 of us work together in St. Paul Public Schools in early childhood. The fourth one works in another district, but graduated with one of us St. Paul folk. The other 2 in our cohort are from Iowa and teach in the OT department at St. Ambrose. We seem like a good fit for a group and I am excited to get to know everyone a little better over the next 2 1/2 to 3 years.

Andrew joined me in orientation all day both days. He is still eating every 2 hours so it would have been more difficult for me to be separated from him that to bring him along. He was not lacking for attention and did fabulously well both days. Everyone was eager to pass him around and take turns in giving me a break when Andrew wasn't hungry or needing a diaper change. I didn't take any pictures at orientation, but did buy Andrew a St. Kate's onesie. With 2 boys I won't have a "Katie", but I felt he needed a St. Kate's shirt, especially since the boys have "future U of MN Law Student" shirts. I figure it only fair to make Andrew at least where a shirt from my school.

I am excited about the opportunities this will hopefully bring. I have begun to look through my coursework and I am looking forward to the first course. We will see how I feel in a few weeks when we are in the full swing of classes. Just one picture today of my 6 week old in his St. Kate's shirt.

6 week old Andrew

Thursday, January 12, 2012

30 months and 1 months

Nathaniel turned 30 months on Tuesday and Andrew turned 1 month today. I can't believe I have been a mom for 2 1/2 years already. Where has the time gone?

Andrew had his 1 month check-up today and everything looks great. He is growing well and now weighs 10 lbs even (he was 6 lbs 11 ozs when we left the hospital on Dec 14th). It is no wonder that I feel like I am feeding him non-stop and that when I am not feeding him I am preparing food and eating with Nathaniel. So happy to have another healthy boy!

My 2 1/2 year old continues to be clever and cunning and works on many ways to get my attention for good or bad throughout the day. More and more he is getting used to our new routine, but doesn't like being home without lots to do. He is so used to being out and about and around other people that mommy gets boring. Thankfully it has been warm enough to venture out with the two relatively easily. I am not so sure he will be happy with a day at home that I have planned for tomorrow. But maybe helping with laundry, dishes, vacuuming, and dusting will do the trick.

He got weighed today as well and gained 4 more ounces for a total of 24 lbs 12 ozs. He started off gaining well (not as much as Andrew, but steady - 11 lbs at 2 months). I really hope Andrew continues to eat well and gain so that I don't have this worry with both boys. My other worry with Nathaniel is random vomiting. I am so thankful that he is able to tell us when he needs to throw up. However I am very worried by the random out of the blue vomiting episodes he has had this past month. No medical reason for the slow weight gain could be found - just small appetite and appetite for lower calorie foods (fruits and veggies). I will be checking in with the acupuncturist again soon and monitoring things closely again. I am just so thankful he is healthy and developing new skills all the time. Just wish we could figure out this weight gain and tummy business.

So much to be thankful for today and over these past 2 1/2 years of being a mommy and past month of being a mommy of 2. I couldn't ask for better boys. Amidst the exhaustion and terrible twos and non-stop nursing I really find so many simple joys in my boys and our family.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


The past few weeks have been a whirlwind. Andrew is 4 weeks old - he will be one month old tomorrow. Anthony has been back to work full time for a little over a week. Nathaniel is getting used to his brother more and more. And me, well I am getting the hang of long days with both boys on my own and learning to handle the endless challenges of a very clever 2 year old. I even managed to care for my 2 boys and my nephew for a few hours with a little help from my baby sister. She thinks I can handle three and wants Anthony and I to get started on having a niece for her. I keep telling her not for a long while and maybe not ever. It has been fun having all the boys together and watching the new things they are all doing and learning every day. Here are some pictures of the boys hanging out on the floor together yesterday.

All 3 hanging out on the floor

Andrew and Nikolas kicking away
Andrew - 4 weeks and 1 day old

The next few weeks are going to fly too. Tomorrow both boys get weighed. I am excited to see how much my hungry little one has grown this past month. He is so long in some of his 3 month clothes already and getting some chubby legs too. I am hoping Nathaniel has gained a little and isn't just maintaining. We are going to make a trip into my work briefly tomorrow and then visit Oma and Opa (who is finally home after lots of tests and 6 days in the hospital).

Next week Monday all 3 boys are having their pictures taken in matching outfits (1 month, 4 months, and 30 months - super fun) and then Thursday and Friday Andrew will get introduced to St. Catherine University as I will be bringing him along with me to my OTD orientation. Lucky Nathaniel gets to have a day with Grandma Betts and a second day with her and Nikolas. And then the following week my cousin Amy is getting married. Before I know it January will be over and February will be here and I'll be going back to work. By then I'll probably be starting to get the swing of things around here with 2 little men.

Just a few more pictures from Andrew's Baptism and one from Andrew's first Edelweiss party. I will be sure to update on the boys' weights - hopefully sooner than later.

Andrew's introduction to Edelweiss - 1 week old

Wearing the same gown as mommy, aunties, and big brother wore

Wide eyed and ready for cake

Nathaniel loved watching Andrew get Baptized