Ok so I got behind on posting to my blog. Halloween came and went. Nathaniel enjoyed it, but didn't eat a bit of his candy. Our 6th anniversary came and went. We got to go on a dinner date on our anniversary and also go to dinner and a concert a couple weeks later and have a night's sleep without screaming infants or toddlers thanks to my in-laws for keeping them overnight. Then all of a sudden it was Thanksgiving.
We had our usual 2 Thanksgivings day. First stop was Oma and Opa's (pictures to follow of the 3 boys and their typical selves), then off to the de Sam Lazaro's for Thanksgiving with Grandpa and Grandma D, Great-Grandma Virgie and Great-Grandpa Chuck, Auntie Shanti and her "friend" Ben, and the Rutherford gang. We were lucky to get to see and spend time with Auntie Shireen and her "friend" David the weekend before Thanksgiving. (I put "friend" as such as that's what Nathaniel calls them).
Nathaniel enjoyed the Turkey and Vegetables. Andrew loved the Turkey, but was only so-so on the rest of the actual Thanksgiving fixings. Anthony and I of course gorged ourselves out, especially since the menu at each Thanksgiving is so different from one another.
I hope to do more blogging once finals are done at the end of this week. Just a little taste of our Thanksgiving to start.
The three in their true form |
Even more fun! |
Andrew decided to get out of there before he got squashed |
Happy Thanksgiving - First Family Photo of 2012 |
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