Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

10:30 pm and Halloween chaos is still in my head. I don't remember it being this much work when I was a kid. Nathaniel has been having a significant amount of buyers remorse around things lately. He got the $1 plastic pumpkin at Target a couple weeks ago for trick-or-treating and chose the orange one to come home and decide he wanted a different color. He chose to be a fireman for Halloween (a bunch of costume pieces we already had around the house), then changed to want to be Bob the Builder (again a bunch of costume pieces we already had around). He ended up being a fireman briefly and then "Bob" for the rest of the night. We made it to about 8 houses and that was all he needed. 2 on my grandparents' block (well my grandparents' house and my aunt's house). 4 or 5 on my in-laws block and 2 on our block. Just enough for an excited and worn out 3 year old.

Andrew had a horrible night last night and he and Anthony ended up sleeping in the chair for several hours. This morning we put him in the one piece "little devil" costume as it was fitting for his attitude. He later transformed into "Luigi" alongside cousin "Mario". They were so stinking cute, but heaven forbid they both sit still for 30 seconds. Andrew was distracted enough by lots of excitement tonight with Halloween dressing up, pictures, and watching Grandpa D on Skype that he stood on his own without support several times for over a minute. He is going to be walking very soon and then we are really in trouble since he is already climbing everywhere.

Halloween has left me exhausted. Pictures below of my angels (who are now fast asleep). Nathaniel's spider costume is complete for his "Creation Day" party at preschool tomorrow. Hopefully he decides to wear it after all the work I put into it tonight. I will post more pictures in whatever he decides to wear tomorrow for creation day (spider or lady bug). Also I have a video of Nathaniel singing the Bob the Builder song that I'll try to upload soon. Happy Halloween and November soon.

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