On Tuesday, Nathaniel turned 3! It was so fun to see him put 2 and 2 together and realize what having a birthday means. He was happy to be the center of attention and to get a bunch of presents "all for me!" He is also ready to become 4 now. I am hoping that this year will be a little easier than the last, but only time will tell. Some wonderful things about my 3 year old:
He is a learner and soaks up information that I didn't even know he was tuning into.
He started using first person pronouns correctly within the past week & is super cute being proud of his "I" and "me" statements.
He LOVES cars, trucks, trains, and anything that moves. He has a fleet of matchbox vehicles (probably well over 100 by now between his "4" houses) and knows the name of pretty much all of them.
He recognizes streets that we drive on frequently. He recognizes many community locations. He tells us which way to turn and will let us know if we are going the wrong way.
He truly loves his baby brother, but still isn't quite sure how to best interact with him.
He likes to sing - favorite songs are "50 states", "James K Polk", among others.
His favorite mealtime prayer is "Johnny Appleseed".
His bedtime songs are "Twinkle Twinkle", "I see the moon, the moon sees me", and "Up-o, Up-o".
He "reads" us stories at bedtime more often than we read them to him these days.
He loves sleeping in his big twin bed (which was his great-great-grandmother's when she was a child).
He has taken ownership of his statement that he has carried for months "When I am 3 I will wear underwear all the time" and "3 year olds don't wear diapers". We've had a week basically accident free. He is staying dry 90% of the time over night and for naps and is starting to more consistently let us know when he needs to go. He also easily uses adult restrooms at public places. I think again, he partly knows that being 3 and wearing underwear are part of being big enough to go to the school across the street from Grandma & Papa Betts's house (which means that sometimes he gets to ride in Opa & Oma's car).
Finally, his favorite movies/shows are Toy Story 3 (and 2 and 1), Cars 1 & 2, Bob the Builder, Sid the Science Kid, and Super Why.
Here are a few pictures from his birthday: