We've been having weekly "weigh-ins" since Nathaniel's second birthday, basically. He's been weighed all too often for a child so young. He thankfully knows the drill. Check in, wait to be called back by "one of the ladies" (usually purusing Car and Driver or Motortrend Magazine while we wait), walk back to the scale, take shoes and jacket off, step on the scale and wait for a reaction, step off, put shoes and jacket back on, go get a sticker, and then leave for Oma and Opa's house for the day. For me it's the anxiety of will he have gained, lost, or stayed the same, always hoping it is anything other than weight loss.
This week he was back up 4 ounces - hooray. Then we went to feeding clinic this morning and he was down 1/2 pound on their scale from yesterday. There is so much variability from scale to scale and week to week apparently. No wonder I feel nuts.
Feeding clinic went well this morning. He ate for the "ladies". He was his normal self. His low facial tone was evident and we have some strength things to work on (which I was aware of) and his sensory aversions are not major. It felt validating to know that we're doing a good job and on the right track. On an even better note today Nathaniel ate really well all day, asked for snacks several times, and showed none of the toddler behaviors we have been dealing with at meals today.
Let's just hope the next couple of months continue in this positive direction with a weight curve of about the 3rd percentile.
On a semi-related note, how can one gain weight when you are as active as he is all the time. His newest activity choice is vacuuming. He cleans everything up (which is usually a lot of toys) and then proceeds to vacuum our entire first floor. My busy cleaning bee.
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