Tuesday, October 11, 2011

His Father's Son

I am the first to admit that Nathaniel gets a lot of his traits/personality/etc from me, but Thursday was another sign he may be more of his father's son. Nathaniel just turned 2 years, 3 months old and Thursday for the first time he didn't nap at all. Anthony has told me that he stopped napping at an early age. I really hope that this is not a sign that naps will stop soon. He appears to still need them, so I would hate to have him give them up so early.

A few other things that Nathaniel has been up to lately that remind me of his dad include:

- Constantly being on the go. The other day my grandfather said that he must have run back and forth from the kitchen to the living room "checking out the road" 50 times in the morning alone.
- Love of all "things that go". He loves cars, trucks, trains, tractors, daddy's transformers, etc. I hear Anthony had the same loves as a child.
- Memory for facts that others don't often know. Anthony's misc fact knowledge is much more misc than Nathaniel's at this point, however Nathaniel knows and remembers things that Anthony and I aren't often aware of in the environment.
- They are both total sensory seekers. Anthony seeks movement and oral input. Nathaniel also seeks movement and some oral input, but he also seeks tactile (touch) input.  On the flip side of that Nathaniel has sensory aversions to a few things, which he gets more from me.

I am frequently annoyed by some of their sensory seeking behaviors. However, I work on making our daily routines a "sensory diet" for both of them in various ways. Some days they are probably grateful and happy to have me as their wife and mom, while on others they probably wish they could do their own thing without me getting in their way. Last weekend we went to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch. It was daddy's idea. They both enjoyed it and while allergies got in the way for all of us, we didn't really notice because it was the perfect mix for all 3 of our unique sets of sensory needs.

Nathaniel and the pumkin he picked

Peeking out from the train
Busy driving the train

Enjoying the "bumpy ride" through the orchard on the tractor trailor

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