Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Things I Missed Out on in OT School

So several of us were talking at work recently about knitting, crocheting, and sewing. This topic came up as many of us bring our knitting or crocheting to staff development days in order to increase our attention. One colleague was recalling knitting and sewing as part of one of her OT courses. She learned to knit as a young girl which helped her in this course. By the time I started OT school crocheting, sewing, and knitting were no longer part of the curriculum. We did however do copper tooling, leather work, and some woodworking. I made a cute Christmas decoration in that class with use of a band saw, some glue, and some paint. My mom puts it up in our home every year and it has become a moving target for amusement in the family. (It sits on a door frame or windowsill and my family members like to move this Santa around the family room and place him upside down). What family fun a class in OT school has brought us for the past 7 years.

I missed out on the sewing, knitting, and crochet instruction. I do know how to crochet though. I don't know that I could ever get the hang of knitting. My grandmother taught me to crochet while I was in elementary school and I have learned to progress these skills over the years in order to make more complex projects. Why is all of this on my mind? I am behind on my current crochet project. I finished the baby's afghan. I whipped up a hat for my nephew a couple weeks ago and a couple for our baby as well. I finally spent time today finishing the baby's Christmas stocking. I have been working on it on and off for weeks. I made most of Nathaniel's Christmas stocking on our bus trip to Detroit and back in 2 years ago. I went off the pattern a bit for the baby's stocking making it a bit wider and with fewer panels. It looks a lot bigger than Nathaniel's but I don't think it is much bigger and I think the differentiation of the 2 is important. Maybe one of these years I will get a chance to make stockings for Anthony and I as well. I made a tree skirt for my mom last year and hopefully one year I will have time to make one for our home too.

Here are a couple pictures of the stockings:

Baby's Christmas Stocking minus name

All four of our stockings

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