Well the hopes of this blog being a relaxation method went by the wayside when I started school and ended up with virtually no spare time. I am currently on break from school and have a few more days before summer semester starts, hence a blog post.
I managed to get back to work full time, complete my first doctoral course, and take care of the house through all the chaos that is our never able to plan ahead life right now. We are in the home stretch of the school year and heading into a tumultuous summer of transitions at work. Bottom line, everyone in the de Sam Lazaro household is surviving.
Just a few updates:
Let's start with Nathaniel. He attended preschool 2 mornings a week for the last 3 months and will take a break for the summer before starting a new preschool (which will be much more convenient for pick-up/drop-off) in the fall. He LOVED school because he loves to learn, but is still working on getting along with friends, being flexible with what he wants to do versus the routine of the classroom, and participating in circle time (singing, books, etc). He is constantly learning new vocabulary and has a memory better than anyone I know. I hope that we can continue to challenge his little mind as it is always working. Below are a few pictures of him from this spring.
My prince with his crown on the way to mass |
Taking a speed walk |
Cheering the racers at the Race for Justice |
Checking out Daddy's Headphones |
Lounging |
The slide at Gordy's |
Now onto Andrew. He came into the world screaming and he continues to let you know when he wants to be heard. He seems to have gotten over his reflux issues thanks to medications (and hopefully some increased growth and core strength for sitting). He has always been a happy guy, except when he was having crying spells. The crying spells have ceased for the most part (rare occasions now), so he is happy basically all the time. He ADORES his brother and cousin and is laughing, smiling, and talking away all the time. He is now rolling onto his tummy from his back and his back from his tummy and starting with some consecutive rolls - not long and he will be highly mobile. Just a few pictures of my every growing little man - he is getting very heavy and will undoubtedly outweigh his brother by Christmas.
Playing on his dino blanket from Auntie Cherie |
Hanging out in Cloquet |
He loves to talk - wonder where that comes from? |
Just a few more pictures to show how much they adore each other. I have to be honest. It has been a lot of work. Full time job, 2 young boys, doctorate coursework, and a husband who works a lot of long hours. However, everyday they both do at least one thing that makes it all worthwhile. I love my family and wouldn't trade it for anything.
Matching outfits from the Jamesons |
Love! |
Nathaniel loves to chill with Andrew in his crib. |