Nathaniel turned 30 months on Tuesday and Andrew turned 1 month today. I can't believe I have been a mom for 2 1/2 years already. Where has the time gone?
Andrew had his 1 month check-up today and everything looks great. He is growing well and now weighs 10 lbs even (he was 6 lbs 11 ozs when we left the hospital on Dec 14th). It is no wonder that I feel like I am feeding him non-stop and that when I am not feeding him I am preparing food and eating with Nathaniel. So happy to have another healthy boy!
My 2 1/2 year old continues to be clever and cunning and works on many ways to get my attention for good or bad throughout the day. More and more he is getting used to our new routine, but doesn't like being home without lots to do. He is so used to being out and about and around other people that mommy gets boring. Thankfully it has been warm enough to venture out with the two relatively easily. I am not so sure he will be happy with a day at home that I have planned for tomorrow. But maybe helping with laundry, dishes, vacuuming, and dusting will do the trick.
He got weighed today as well and gained 4 more ounces for a total of 24 lbs 12 ozs. He started off gaining well (not as much as Andrew, but steady - 11 lbs at 2 months). I really hope Andrew continues to eat well and gain so that I don't have this worry with both boys. My other worry with Nathaniel is random vomiting. I am so thankful that he is able to tell us when he needs to throw up. However I am very worried by the random out of the blue vomiting episodes he has had this past month. No medical reason for the slow weight gain could be found - just small appetite and appetite for lower calorie foods (fruits and veggies). I will be checking in with the acupuncturist again soon and monitoring things closely again. I am just so thankful he is healthy and developing new skills all the time. Just wish we could figure out this weight gain and tummy business.
So much to be thankful for today and over these past 2 1/2 years of being a mommy and past month of being a mommy of 2. I couldn't ask for better boys. Amidst the exhaustion and terrible twos and non-stop nursing I really find so many simple joys in my boys and our family.